Save Winter Fuel Payments
The new Labour Government is failing older people across the country, with their cuts to the Winter Fuel Payments.
Phone: 07354163461
Email: cllr.jsowerby@gateshead.gov.uk
I live in Birtley with my wife and we have a 7 year old son who attends the local school. I studied history and politics at the university of Sunderland. I have worked in many different industries from finance to retail. I make an impact in the local area by being outgoing and always having the time to talk to people from all walks of life.
With the residents of Birtley, we created my plan to fix Birtley Ward:
Anti social behaviour - working with youth to create activities and spaces for them to be engaged and drawn away from ASB.
Fly tipping - Birtley is littered with fly tipping from house hold waste to white goods, with little care for the natural beauty of Birtley nor the rodents that fly tipping brings, I aim to make sure it is investigated and those found to be in breach severely punished but also educated.
Dog fouling - many a dog walker picks up after their beloved pet however there a few that leave it lying around on the pavements or the grass. Both areas in which kids can come into contact with it, most recently on the walk to school several people trod in dog muck and tracked it to the school.
Community spirit - the local area needs now more than ever to come together and be one. With swimming baths closing and the risk of funding cuts to community centres we need to stand up and say enough is enough, building a better Birtley takes us all not just a few.
Children’s activities - linked heavily to ASB and with lack of maintenance for youth resources lead many to ASB and if not redirected soon enough it becomes habitual. Children need safe areas to play with plenty of equipment whilst also being kept safe in the community.
Reclaiming waste land for property development - sites such as the old RoF site have been vacant for too long and provide land for hundreds of houses which I would ensure a majority of those built would be affordable and available for social housing for local tenants and first time buyers.
I am passionate about building a better Birtley, a community where we can all thrive and live our best lives, where our children have things to do without the fear of ASB or stepping in dog muck. A Birtley where our streets and green land is free from litter and rodents and finally a Birtley where residents have the option of affordable housing in the community they love.
Phone: 0191 433 2074 / 07775227459
Email: cllr.pelliott@gateshead.gov.uk
I was born and raised in Birtley, attending Barley Mow Infant and Junior school and Lord Lowson comprehensive.
After leaving school I worked in retail until changing direction to join the Royal Mail as a postman. I was married in 1981 and have 3 children and 5 grandchildren. I have been active in the Salvation Army for many years and play in the band.
The new Labour Government is failing older people across the country, with their cuts to the Winter Fuel Payments.
Students agree; if we do not stand up for what we believe in, a democracy doesn't progress!
Let's end racism now, forever.
Liberal Democrat councillors have called for greater scrutiny over council bosses' role in the saga that saw Gateshead FC barred from the National League play-offs.
Gateshead Council debate on the Liberal Democrat motion, calling to ensure Gateshead Football Club has a 10 year tenancy at Gateshead Stadium which the Council are looking to transfer to another management. The motion was rejected by Labour.
Rishi Sunak has called for a General Election, Labour and the Tories think this is a two horse race, let’s put the old horses back in the stable. Send a message to Westminster and vote Liberal Democrat on the 4th July.